Bella Vista : UPDATE 4-13-16
Click on the links below for the latest on Bella Vista developments Quintana_LetterMarch2016 ELEVATION VIEW
Click on the links below for the latest on Bella Vista developments Quintana_LetterMarch2016 ELEVATION VIEW
story poles 6-2012
I am a member of the town’s Ad Hoc Citizens Committee to review ways to consistently generate a source, or sources, of revenues to maintain and improve the infrastructure of the town. The Ad Hoc committee consisted of myself, Lee Fagot (Chair), Mark … Continued
March 10 Re: 3.15 Parking Authority Dear Council Members Why do we need a C.U.P. for entry into Los Gatos by chain store’s? Originally a CUP was to protect our small town ambiance, mom and pop retailers and minimize demand … Continued
February 25, 2016 My initiation into town development started with Ditto Lane in 2011. It was then I realized the immense number of developments that were forthcoming. At that time we had Albright, Knowles, the North Forty, Swanson Ford, Hillbrook, … Continued
A Three Minute Opinion to Council Regarding a Study of Police Costs. see also ANALYSIS OF POLICE SERVICES IN-HOUSE AND CONTRACT SERVICE MODELS Cost comparisons done by Mr. Conway showed that compared to other municipal police departments, Los Gatos compares favorably … Continued
Key:X= Absent or Recuse, Y=Yes, N= No Date Description PC Rec? Motion Leonardis Jensen Spector McNutt Pirzynski Final vote 12/2 8. Regulation of Expanded Polystyrene Foam (Styrofoam) Food Service Container-Ware n/a 9. Introduce an Ordinance Amendment of The Town of Los … Continued
Friends and Neighbors — Thank you! I am so appreciative of the support you gave me. This was truly a team effort. I will be forever grateful to everyone for putting up lawn signs, hosting neighborhood coffees, telling your friends … Continued
Student Population Projections by Residence School Year 2014/2015 Report Projections 2015/16 – 2024/25 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Davis Demographics & Planning, Inc. (DDP) is assisting the Los Gatos Union School District (District) to plan for future student population changes. By factoring … Continued
SB1 is California government at it’s worst. Let small towns that are already built out remain small. We don’t all want to be large, small towns with over population and too much traffic. We need affordable housing, but you can’t … Continued