What is RHNA?

posted in: 2040 General Plan DEIR | 0

 The Following Article is From Peter Hertan



In the discussion of our RHNA growth target some of us cite the history of Los Gatos population over the past 10 or 20 years as evidence that the RHNA targets are unrealistic.  You may want to stop doing that because our historic organic growth rate is not used by the State or ABAG in coming up with our “fair share” of what we are told to ABSORB of the forecasted regional population growth.


The State of California Housing and Community Development Department and ABAG negotiated the SF Bay Area regional population growth (Cycle 6 over the next 8.5 years).  That agreement said our region needs to plan for 441,176 more housing units (total for the four RHNA income categories).


Here is the Letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to ABAG summarizing the process the two groups followed which resulted in this agreement (memorialized on June 9, 2020):



For additional background, here is the HCD website page explaining the RHNA process followed by the state HCD:



Here is ABAG’s description of the process they followed:




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